The New Mexico Military Museum Foundation, Inc. is open to those who are interested in serving on the Board, supporting the Museum through fundraising, as well as addressing other needs of the Museum.

The New Mexico Military Museum Foundation, Inc. was originally established as the Bataan Memorial Museum Foundation, Inc. Over the years the Museum’s mission and the Foundation’s support has undergone many transformations.
Under the leadership of New Mexico’s Adjutant General, Major General Kenneth Nava, the Museum’s scope was expanded to honor all military branches and the men and women of New Mexico who’ve served their country. The Museum was renamed the New Mexico Military Museum and the Foundation evolved as well to become the New Mexico Military Museum Foundation.
The Foundation's mission is to support the New Mexico Military Museum in areas such as: developing, promoting, and enhancing the programs of the Museum; soliciting and providing private gifts and grants in support of the Museum’s highest priorities; and receiving, managing, distributing and investing private contributions exclusively for the benefit of the New Mexico Military Museum and its programs.