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The Bataan Memorial March is Virtual in 2021

Samantha Tubbs

On Sunday, April 11, 2021, at 7:00 am, 10 Members of Santa Fe Search and Rescue, Team Rubicon, veterans, and civilians, will participate in the virtual Bataan Memorial Death March.

The Memorial March is normally held at White Sands Missile Range but this year, owing to COVID-19 restrictions, the March is virtual and participants will march at locations of their choice.

The Santa Fe Cadre will begin the 26.2 mile Memorial March at the junction of Avenida Eldorado and the Santa Fe Rail Trail in Eldorado south of Santa Fe.

Following Colors, and a short ceremony recognizing the World War II soldiers, airmen, marines, and sailors who were surrendered on 9 April 1942 in the Philippines, the event will begin. These U.S. and Filipino prisoners of war were then force marched some 60 miles where they were then incarcerated until their release at the end of the war. Many of the POWs did not survive the March, and later, the incarceration. The March will be conducted to honor them and remember their sacrifices. The Memorial March is especially important for the State of New Mexico as over 1800 of the Bataan Prisoners Of War were members of the New Mexico National Guard.

All NM DOH COVID-19 guidelines will be followed. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, we are not asking for any further participation by other marchers. Although anyone who wishes to march on April 11th may do so at their own location covering as much distance as they wish.



The New Mexico Military Museum is under the Department of Military Affairs which is an agency of the State of New Mexico.


(505) 476-1479


The New Mexico Military Museum

1050 Old Pecos Trail

Santa Fe, NM 87505


© 2022 by the New Mexico Military Museum, Department of Military Affairs, State of New Mexico

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